Tulip Trade Event Jubilee postponed to 2022
The thirteen organising participants of the Tulip Trade Event have decided to postpone the jubilee of the fifth Tulip Trade Event to 2022. The reasons for this include the restrictions on international travel and other applicable COVID measures. Naturally, all the involved parties are continuing to work hard behind the scenes on the further development and availability of their assortment.
Particularly in a period when solutions are being sought to spread out work, the participants feel that it is irresponsible to organize a huge international event. The preparation for the event demands efforts from many parties, and the event itself targets international visitors. To keep the employees of the participating companies healthy and safe, the participants have decided not to expose them unnecessarily to possible harm by postponing the entire fifth Tulip Trade Event to 2022.
Developments in assortment
The participating breeders and exporters of tulip bulbs are busy working behind the scenes on the development and availability of their assortment. In March and April, a review of the past years will be published on various media channels. The participants will also be providing a peek at their latest developments. They are naturally accessible to answer all questions, expressions of interest and comments from the market.
The fifth Tulip Trade Event promises to be a very striking event in 2022 with the spotlights turned on tulips. The thirteen participating companies that are postponing the fifth Tulip Trade Event until next year are P. Aker, Amsonia, Boots Flowerbulbs, Borst Bloembollen, BOT Flowerbulbs, Haakman Flowerbulbs, Jansen’s Overseas, Holland Bulb Market, P. Nelis & zoon’s, Nord Lommerse, C. Steenvoorden, VWS Flowerbulbs and Jan de Wit en Zonen.